We have a range of free, impartial content that helps to cut through the jargon and complexity of money and pensions which you can link to. There are articles, guides, videos and tools which you can use to help your audience make their money and pensions choices clearer – whether they’re employees, customers or service users.
Best practice for linking to MoneyHelper
Text links
For the best online journey for your users, we recommend linking to specific pages within the MoneyHelper website instead of the homepage. This means a user will get straight to the right information, instead of having to search to find it.
We also recommend using relevant ‘anchor text’ for the link. The anchor text is the text that’s hyperlinked. This tells readers a bit more about where they’re going, but also helps with search engine optimisation.
For example:
To work out how much you can borrow, try MoneyHelper’s mortgage repayment calculator.
MoneyHelper has this useful guide on how to shop for an annuity.
Instead of:
Click here for more information.
As payday lenders
If you’re a Payday loans company and are adding a link to your site in line with the FCA regulations, please link to this URL in all instances: www.moneyhelper.org.uk.
This includes the link at the end of the risk warning, which should read:
Warning: Late repayment can cause you serious money problems. For help, go to www.moneyhelper.org.uk.
Using our branding
You can download our brand toolkit (PDF, 16.6MB) to access and download our logo and other brand assets in a variety of file formats, which you can use as a visual way of linking to us.
You can request this via our Brand Asset Management system.
You must not use the MoneyHelper logo in such a way that it appears to be endorsing products or services.
By downloading and using our logo you adhere to the terms and conditions outlined on our website.
If you’d like to link to MoneyHelper, you can download our brand toolkit (PDF, 16.6MB) from our website
Intranet or email
If you’re planning to link to any MoneyHelper content from an email or your intranet, we can give you a custom link that’ll allow us to monitor how many of your users are visiting us from your communications.
We’ll also be happy to share this information with your organisation for your own purposes.