Your options for borrowing money
2 minutes to complete
If you need to borrow money, this tool shows you different credit options available – including credit cards, loans, salary advances and many more.
Why you should use this tool
- See ways to borrow up to £50,000 that could suit your needs.
- Read the pros and cons of each one.
- Decide which option suits you best.
How this tool works
- We'll ask you a few simple questions and why you need to borrow money.
- Your results will depend on how much you need, what you need it for, how quickly you can repay and your credit score.
- It’s a good idea to know your credit score beforehand, but you can still use this tool if you’re not sure what it is.
- Your answers will remain confidential. We won't store or share them with anyone else.
- Using this tool won’t affect your credit score, but applying for credit might.
If you’re looking for a mortgage
This tool won’t help if you're looking for a mortgage to buy a house. See How to apply for a mortgage instead.
Additional information
If you’re borrowing money to deal with problem debt, getting debt advice might be better for your situation. Find free debt advice using our Debt advice locator tool.