The total amount you can save into Individual Savings Accounts (ISAs) in the current tax year is £20,000. This is known as the ISA allowance. ISAs are sometimes referred to as tax ‘wrappers’, because the money you hold in them is sheltered from both Income Tax and Capital Gains Tax. This article looks at how one type of ISA – a Stocks and shares ISA - works and what you need to know.
If you don’t understand a financial product, get independent financial advice from a regulated financial adviser before you buy.
But a stocks and shares ISA could be for you if:
- you aren’t looking for immediate access to your money
- you’re prepared to keep your money invested for a number of years
- you haven’t used up your total ISA allowance for the current tax year
- you’re comfortable the value of your investments can go up and down and you might get back less than you put in.
A stocks and shares ISA is effectively a ’tax wrapper’ that can be put around a wide range of different investment products. Any investment growth or interest earned within a Stocks and shares ISA is tax-free.
Lots of different types of investment can be held in an ISA, including:
- unit trusts
- investment trusts
- exchange-traded funds
- individual stocks and shares
- corporate and government bonds
- OEICs (Open Ended Investment Companies).
You’ll often find that stocks and shares ISAs are sold and marketed as products in their own right.
Find out more in our guide Types of investments
You can pay a total of £20,000 a year into an ISA in the 2024/25 tax year.
- You can divide your ISA allowance across the four different types of ISAs: cash, stocks and shares, innovative finance or lifetime. Although the maximum you can put into a lifetime ISA is £4,000 each tax year.
- Your annual ISA allowance expires at the end of the tax year (5 April) and any unused allowance will be lost. It can’t be rolled over to the following year.
- You can make a lump sum investment and/or regular or ad hoc contributions throughout the tax year.
- Any increase in value of the investments in your stocks and shares ISA is free of Capital Gains Tax.
- Most income from your stocks and shares ISA is tax-free.
- It’s worth shopping around to make sure you find an ISA that suits you. Compare any charges for the ISA wrapper and the range of investments you can put inside.
Your ISA allowance is how much you can pay in, not the total value of your investments – so if you put your whole allowance in a Stocks and shares ISA and it falls in value you can’t top it up in the same tax year
Find out more in our guide ISAs and other tax-efficient ways to save or invest
ISA rules on deceased spouse ISA transfers
If your husband, wife or civil partner dies, you can inherit their ISA. You will receive an additional ISA allowance equal to the value of the deceased’s ISA savings at the time of death.
Transferring ISAs
If you want to switch your ISA to a different provider and keep all the money tax-free, you’ll need to transfer it. You can’t just close it, withdraw the money and reinvest it elsewhere.
Here’s how it works:
- All ISA providers have to allow transfers out, but they don’t have to allow transfers in.
- You can transfer money from a cash ISA to a stocks and shares ISA, and vice versa.
- You can choose how much you transfer – you don’t have to transfer it all.
Access to your money
- You can sell the assets held in your ISA at any time and there’s no minimum length of time you need to hold it.
- If you have cash in your ISA, you can only reinvest this money into another ISA, up to your available ISA allowance.
- It’s important to check the charges on the underlying investment as these can vary a lot and can impact the amount of money you get back.
- By making sure of the details you can also avoid being overcharged.
How safe are your savings?
If a fund manager goes bust and owes you money – and the manager is covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme - you can claim compensation of up to £85,000 per person, per institution.
Find out which banks and building societies are part of which authorised firms on the following websites:
Bank of England
But you won’t get any compensation just because the value of your investments falls.
Find out more in our guide Compensation if your bank or building society goes bust
You can buy an ISA:
- directly from an ISA provider
- directly through a fund manager
- directly from discount brokers, fund supermarkets or a bank
- from a regulated financial adviser or financial planner
- through an online share account or stockbroker.
Charges might vary for the same product depending on where you buy it, so check and see where it’s cheapest.
If you’re not sure what kind of investments would suit your personal goals and needs, talk to a regulated financial adviser.
Read our guide Do you need a financial adviser?
Investments that pay interest (like government and corporate bonds), or rental income (like some property funds) provide 100% tax-free income if held within an ISA.
Everyone gets a £500 tax-free Dividend Allowance. This is on top of your personal allowance – the amount you can earn each tax year before paying tax.
Dividends received by pension funds or received on shares within an ISA are tax free and won’t impact your dividend allowance.
Also, any profit you make when selling investments in your stocks and shares ISA is free of Capital Gains Tax.
Any losses made on your investments in your stocks and shares ISAs can’t be used to offset capital gains on your other investments.
See How tax on savings and investments works for more information.
If things go wrong
If you’re unhappy with the service you receive or want to make a complaint, start off by contacting your provider or adviser.
Most fund managers and ISA managers are regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority This means that if your complaint is not resolved to your satisfaction, you can take it to the Financial Ombudsman Service