Discover how payday loans can impact your credit score. Learn how long they stay on your credit report and their effect on mortgage applications.
Explore how to get a loan with bad credit, the types of loans available and see the alternatives to loans for individuals with bad credit in our guide.
Learn why you can still be refused a loan even with a 999 credit score and find out ways to strengthen future loan applications in this blog article.
A bad credit score can make borrowing money harder and more expensive. Find out how to check your credit score and fix an adverse credit history.
Buying your first home, moving, or want to remortgage but have a poor credit rating? Discover the steps you can take to repair your credit score.
There are many different ways to improve your credit rating but the easiest way to make sure you don’t damage your rating is to avoid applying for more credit.
There’s always uncertainty with credit scores about what affect actions have on your score. That’s why we’ve pulled together the worst things you can do for your credit rating.
You usually need ID to open a bank account, like a passport or driving licence. Here’s what to do and alternatives if you don’t have the right documents.